The Sun
“And still, after all this time, the Sun has never said to the Earth,
“You owe me.”
Look what happens with love like that. It lights up the sky.”
― Hāfez
Yesterday morning the Earth was alive with light! My husband was witness to how amazing the mornings are here at Theodore Roosevelt National Park! When we found Little Sorrel’s mares they were intently watching something in the amazing soft light.
He is almost home now, taking the train back to Red Wing from Williston, ND, last night. It was a great four days and to top it off our dear friends from South Dakota, Carissa and Christine, spent two of them with us.
We saw baby owls, a porcupine, a badger, elk, bison, live snakes, and dead snakes, prairie flowers, Marylu and Dan (North Dakota Badlands Horse) working a band of horses using the low stress method of moving herds of animals, and to top if all of they all witnessed the first steps of Sapphire’s foal, Acadia!
Have an awesome Tuesday in your part of the world! Thank you all for the support and sharing and comments!!! You bring light to my day!