Gray Ghost changed worlds in 2018 in the fall of his life and the fall of the year. The Gray Ghost Collection was created to honor his contribution to the wild horse world! He was born in the year 2002, a mere sixteen years he made an impression on the thousands who encountered him on their drive through the loop road in that beautiful backdrop of Theodore Roosevelt National Park!
“Who would you be but who you are?” ~Terry Brooks
The ethereal and mysteriously quiet, wild bachelor stallion, Gray Ghost. He aged with grace and regally roamed his territory in Theodore Roosevelt National Park.
He had a brief moment of glory the spring of 2016 as he assisted Little Sorrel in keeping Wild Rye at bay, and was able to capture his own girl for a short time. His stallionhood was short lived, and he was alone again. He could be found in his old haunts with another bachelor buddy, Granite’s Boy, who has also changed worlds since 2015.
This image, Wild Fantasy, was captured in April of 2015 on the Fly Without Wings journey. The sunrise had just crested the horizon line and Gray Ghost was high up on a butte — thin and alone. He had just become a bachelor, as he had lost his long time harem to two bachelor, brother’s Teton and Wild Rye. It was heartbreaking to see Gray Ghost without his harem and the sun streaming through his glorious mane, somehow took away from the sadness of his days as a band stallion having come to a halt.
We donate a percentage of the sale of this print to Walk By Faith Therapeutic Riding, a legitimate non-profit located in northern Minnesota, who use wild horses adopted from Theodore Roosevelt National Park in their programs, providing hope to the lives of children and veterans.