“We pledge to fight ‘blue-sky thinking’ wherever we find it. Life would be dull if we had to look up at cloudless monotony day after day.” ~Gavin Pretor-Pinney
The sky….ooooo the sky! This one just absolutely gives me goosebumps…and hope your reaction brings you some sense of peace, excitement, pulse increase, imagination, sense of freedom, hope—when you gaze at that proud stallion, here is his story:
High on that ridge, proudly displayed, is wild band stallion, Satellite, surveying his realm, taking in the atmosphere an hour after prime in early May of 2016. I doubt he has been back on that ridge top since. That was the year a core set of bands decided to call this area their spring range. They were scattered along either side of the loop road from the Wind Canyon turn all the way to the north Jones Creek parking lot that year in 2016. An area those wilds had not ranged in since 2009.
Joining Satellite were Blaze, Red Face, Sidekick, Thunder, Cocoa, Mystery, Silver and of course Coal due to the proximity of his normal range, along with a handful of marauding bachelors—Trooper, Circus, Wind Canyon. Because of the odd place these bands decided to range in the spring in 2016, was the only reason Pinnacles was captured.
‘Blue-sky thinking’, truly if there was a blue sky, no clouds, every single day—yes in the words of Mr. Pretor-Pinney, life would be ‘dull’! So apropos for any potential monotony!
Step out into the sky….look up and wonder…it’s good for the soul.