A heavy prairie sky hangs over these ranch horses on the Lopez Ranch in the Grand River National Grasslands of western South Dakota.
“There are some locations I go to and they scream black and white to me because of the ambiance. For me, great black and white images fall into two categories: very dramatic with stormy skies and bold compositions and at the other end of the spectrum a calm and minimalist composition.”
– Helen Rushton
At a Horse Crazy Market we were offering our story and wares, a gentlemen stopped just outside the booth and stood there for a very long time, gazing. Finally he made his way toward one of my favorite images, The Gathering, and stopped, for several minutes. Not saying anything, not moving, just looking. I saw him lean toward it, take a step away, glance back and then moved out of the booth.
A few hours later he arrived again, carrying one of Brady Willette’s beautiful War Pony Project posters, and engaged me in conversation, asking me questions about my work, especially about The Gathering. Where it was taken and how I captured it.
He shared he had been a fine art film photographer many moons ago and had assisted Brady Willette (uber talented professional photographer) on many assignments Brady had done. By now I am feeling very, very small because I was standing with someone who has way more years and experience with a camera than I will ever have. Plus he is friends with Brady! Wow!
Finally he said to me, “I will take that one” ~~ nodding his head toward The Gathering. I looked and stammered, “The Gathering?” “Yes,” he said. “I have made the decision to replace one of my very OWN favorite fine art floral images with this image.”
I cannot portray properly, in words, how powerful the moment was when he said he had made the decision to replace his own work with mine. The look on his face and the inflection in his voice made it a very touching moment and I have a new, very talented friend!
The ultimate compliment to any artist is when another artist goes home with your work!
Thank you Keith from the bottom of my heart for believing in The Gathering!