“He was hard and tough and wiry – just the sort that won’t say die –
There was courage in his quick impatient tread;
And he bore the badge of gameness in his bright and fiery eye,
And the proud and lofty carriage of his head.” ~A. B. Paterson
A gracious thank you to Christine for believing in this limited edition of one!
This is what she says:
“This beautiful piece of art has been hung in my home where my eyes can look upon him daily. Yes, the image is of a horse and is an amazing capture. You can tell he is an older stallion and lives a wild untamed life. The shadows and light chisel his body as a reflection of his environment that dances with lightning & rain. I fall in love with photos when they are able to convey strong and instant emotions. This image captures an emotion that embodies passion in it’s deepest fulfillment. When you are so immersed in something that defines you & when it is taken from you, you are so utter devastated. This image is a reminder that these wild American horses need all of us to defend their right to stay wild. I am truly grateful to have one of Deb Lee Carson art piece grace my home. I know the work she has put into taking a photo such as this one. So as you study her images, remind yourself of her passion for the wild ones and note how much time and energy goes behind capturing all of her wonderful tributes.”