Forever Changed
“In every little cowgirls life, there is that moment when she touches her first horse and her life is forever changed.”
~Author Unknown
Mollie experienced Sugar, a gentled wild horse, Sunday, June 14th, at the ‘hoof’ signing in front of the Western Edge Book Store in Medora, ND. She gave up her ice cream cone to be able to pet Sugar, a 2007 wild horse out of Little Sorrel and Ruby from Theodore Roosevelt National Park.
Hawk, Sugar, and Fire all had an awesome day and were patient with all of the fuss over their heritage and handsome good looks and petite prettiness! Their efforts brought attention and awareness to the dedicated group of humans behind these wild horses, the North Dakota Badlands Horsegroup! Be sure to find their FB page and follow along with all the news surrounding the wild horses of TRNP!
I hope you have a first moment in your life today, no matter how tiny!