Am’rous Causes
Stallions“What dire offence from am'rous causes springs,
What mighty contests rise from trivial things,...” ~Alexander Pope
(Two wild stallions fight over a yearling filly on the range in southern Wyoming.)
Ahhhh yes, am'rous causes for sure…

Stallions“We leave something of ourselves behind when we leave a place, we stay there, even though we go away. And there are things in us that we can find again only by going back there.” ~Pascal Mercier
I could not do it; my brain just…

Bonnie and I
StallionsBonnie and I are hitting the road! Saying goodbye to Lander. Next stop Salt Lake City!
Over the South Pass I'll crawl....the winds gusting to 75 mph! I'm nauseous thinking about it.
So as Bonnie, as in Raitt, drawls... "Sometimes I miss…

StallionsNo words....just memories stacking up!
As we focus on Resurrection Sunday, don't forget to pause in the stillness of the days between Good Friday and the day of Resurrection. There is treasure
to be found in the sacred peace as it comes…

The West Begins
Stallions“Out where the world is in the making,Where fewer hearts in despair are aching,That’s where the West begins” ~Arthur Chapman (1917)
Saying goodbye to the wilds of McCulloch Peaks, with their backdrop of the Big Horns this time, and…

Graffiti Artist
Stallions“Bursts of gold on lavender melting into saffron. It's the time of day when the sky looks like it has been spray-painted by a graffiti artist.” ~Mia Kirshner
Leaving the Peaks last night as the sun was going down, creeping along a…

“Loneliness is the poverty of self; solitude is richness of self.” ~May Sarton
The McCulloch Peaks are located in the northern part of Wyoming in what is called the Big Horn Basin. While standing in the wilderness area…

What We Find
Stallions“What we find changes who we become.” ~Peter Morville
Okay, I lied…today I may not be jumping in with both feet. Looking out from my view this morning at socked in mountain tops, heavy skies, and my face on fire from the unrelenting…

Names of Places
Stallions“The names of places carry a charge of the people who named them.” ~John Steinbeck
Whistle Creek, Bridger Butte, Penney Gulch, Roan Wash or Red Point….colorful, rich with history, the 109,814 acres of MuCulloch Peaks…

The Moment in History
Stallions"What is the moment in history you would like to witness in person." ~Jerry Seinfeld to Ricky Gervais
I loved the responses from my Facebook post on February 9, 2018, to the above question: Jen: “Elvis 68 Special in Studio”, that makes…